A home loan could help You build or renovate your Home
To meet your preferences, applying for This Type of loan
Is a major financial step. For Which we advise you be Ready to take the financial responsibility that comes With it, even the Smallest Hitch can harm Your Application and affect your lokeliHood of sussess,
lt is important to have your house iN order before Making an application for A home loan to ensure A seamless
Process, these are Some of the top questions You
Shouod Consider when preparing your Application
Does your credit score meet the threshold?
Lenders Will cerrt out A deep check On your credit score
And history to determine your risk factor defore awarding
Or declining your application for A homa loan, any
Unpaid or late bills Will contribute to A low score. Which Might affect your ability to access this type of financing, conversely. A GREAT credit history May improve your
IT is important to Know your credit score And determine
Whether it Meets the Minimum requirement Set by your lender before making your application, if you cannot
Increase it by paying off your bills. You should consider holding off your application until you can raise it,
Remember. A deep credit chech Will reduce your credit score slightly. So you Shouldn't only make applications for loan products that you can actually qualify for
:Can you afford to borrow your desired amount
You need to assesS your financial situation defore Meking A loan application to ensure you Can meet the Repayment structure, this loan term loan could have significant
Consequences, with your financial security at stake, it is
important to assess your income. Expenditure and other
Financial commitments defore making an application to
ensure you can actually afford the repayments, yu can
Talk to a financial advisor to help you make this decision,
Are you eligible for a grant:
A first home owner grant is designed to help home owners Manage the cost of their New, it can be a great
financial aid for people looking to buy their first home, you should look into the eligibility requirements to ensure you
Can actually qualify for this appropriate exemption. Which will Worck to reduce the cost of your home, information on eligibility can de accessed through the relevant
Government Websites
Can you raise the deposit=
Majority of lenders Will impose A 10%Minimum deposit
for people Looking to access A home loan, however, this
Is still delow the 20 %minimum that Will protect you from
Mortgage insurance. Which Can significantly increase the
Cost of your loan, you May de able to access lower
Repay ments and A favorable interest rete if you have At
Least this Much to deposit When taking Up A HOME Loan,
If you are considering A loan And Do not have the deposit
Amount. You should consider increasing your savings, you
Can cut down on your spending. Pay off some fo your
Sebts and increase your income to raise the deposit
Amount, the perks could prove Too great to MiSS Out On
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